The long-awaited new CD from Whisperado has begun stirring towards existence. Meaning, we’ve started recording basic tracks, up at Scott Miller’s studio in the wilds of New Jersey. Your favorite songs from our shows will be on the new disc… and meanwhile, of course, you can still buy a copy of our first EP, Some Other Place. Get it at iTunes in the form of high quality MP3s, at Cruxy if you want to download actual WAVs (plus PDFs of the CD artwork), or for a physical copy, we recommend CD Baby. Your purchase will help fund the new disc. Onward!
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Grats on your album… I’ll give it a listen…
I really write because I ran across a story you wrote about Chuck Panozzo of Styx and his book… That concert you mention…1979, good rats / Styx was the first concert I ever attended at age 17!! … It blew me away to hear that specific concert mentioned so many years out… I was horse for 2 days from cheering so loud…
You said something that made me chuckle.. that you doubted many gays would be in attendence at that concert… Your theory makes sense… but weird that this gay man would happen upon your article… You may very well be right… but its still has me giggling… And FYI at 46, I’m still not out… Guess I’ll have to read chucks book… Peace